2008-05-18: Removal of his IV Line

2008-05-18: The Amount of bio-trash created from about 3 weeks of home
antibiotic therapy. We were instructed to toss the lot in the normal trash.

2008-05-18: Getting set up to take the line out of his arm.

2008-05-18: Drawing one last blood sample for testing

2008-05-18: Taking a break for about 10min to let his veins relax

2008-05-18: Taking the tape off.

2008-05-18: Lots-o-tape

2008-05-18: Calm for the moment.

2008-05-18: Just a little painful when the line was pulled.

2008-05-18: That's it. This bandage comes off Tuesday.

2008-05-18: Playin' with Grandpa in the aftermath


2008-05-18: Our neighbor's daughter (Gabrielle) gave Anthony her Robo-Elmo


2008-05-18: Pajama time